Over the years veterinary professionals have played significant and contributory roles in animal and human health and welfare, food quality, safety and security, ecology, epidemiology, development of drugs and pharmaceuticals, biomedical research, as educators, trainers, and policymakers, and in wildlife conservation, in the protection of the environment and biodiversity. It is now widely acknowledged that healthy and productive livestock make important contributions to food production, income generation, job creation, economic growth, and poverty alleviation. As the world population grows and middleclass incomes rise, demand for livestock products increase ―a consumption boom shaped by one decade of rapid economic growth and globalization
Kerala is a state rich in livestock wealth and the growth and development of the animal husbandry sector are remarkable. Livestock and poultry rearing are gradually shifting from an allied agricultural activity to a main occupation in the recent past as a result of high demand for animal food products . Veterinarians work hard to address the health and welfare needs of every species of animals and also play critical roles in environmental protection, research, food safety, and public health. In order to shoulder this huge task, the state needs professionally trained and dedicated veterinarians whose knowledge and skills are to be continuously polished to accommodate the advancements in the field of veterinary science. The Kerala State veterinary Council ensures the quality of veterinary professionals in the state. The Kerala State Veterinary council keeps a registry of the qualified veterinary surgeons in Kerala and conducts various trainings to the veterinarians across kerala through its ‘Continuing Veterinary Education’ programmes.
The Kerala State Veterinary council (KSVC) is an extension under the veterinary Council of India which regulates veterinary practices in Kerala. The Council was constituted by adopting the Indian veterinary council act 1984 as per the resolution passed by the Kerala Legislative Assembly in its sitting held on 30th July 1985 .The Indian Veterinary Council act came into force in Kerala with effect from the first of December 1986.A three member Registration Council appointed by the Government of Kerala prepared the register and according to the section 82 of the act and as per GO(P) no.132/91/AD dated 2nd April 1991, Kerala State Veterinary Council was constituted. The office of the council is functioning at Peroorkada, Thiruvananthapuram.
Constitution of State Veterinary Council:
As per section 32 (1) of V C I Act the State Government established the Kerala State Veterinary Council. It consist of the following members.
Four members elected from among themselves by Veterinary Practitioners Registered in the State Veterinary Council.
Head of the Veterinary Institution if any in the State ex Officio
Three members nominated by the State Government.
The Director of the Veterinary Services of the State ( by what ever name called) ex officio.
One member to be nominated by the State Veterinary Association.
Registrar of the State Veterinary Council ex officials.